Best Music Videos of 2007

Here listed before you are hands-down the 22 best music videos of the year 2007. I’m not saying I watched every music video in 2007, but I’m just going to assume that all the other ones completely suck (for purposes of this list). I’m estimating it would take about an hour and a half to watch all these videos, but seriously, do you have anything better to do today? To make it easier though, I’ve embedded them all below. Also, except for the five at the end (which are the best) the order is completely random.

As you can tell by the list I like videos that use stop-motion, videos all done in one take, bright colors, interesting effects, Wes Anderson nods, changing t-shirts, ridiculously high drum cymbals, etc. As always, If you have any favorites videos from the year that you think I missed, make sure to leave it in the comments. I provided MP3s for some of the songs that you might not already have. The first three are embedded below but you will have to click through to see the whole list.

The Shins – Australia

Noah and the Whale – Five Years Time MP3

Patrick Wolf – The Magic Position

Click the link below to see the whole list including my top five!

Continue reading “Best Music Videos of 2007”

Top 10 Music Videos of 2007 (so far)

We’re three months in on 2007 and there’s been a lot to talk about music-wise. An argument could be made that in the first third of this year, there’s already been as many great releases as all of last year. I’m completely bypassing that stuff though and focusing on best music videos of the year. I’ve picked out ten that are really exceptional and put them in a semi-non-ordered list.

Click here to see the all ten videos.

Of Montreal – Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse

One of my favorite songs of the year and also one of my favorite videos. It’s basically a very odd high school play. What other video has a dancing cowboy grizzly bear that’s very good at playing RISK, a man in a white jumpsuit that has a giant lobster claw, and a sword fight with a muscular angel in outerspace!

MP3 Heimdalsgate like a Promethean Curse

Grizzly Bear – Knife

This is another bizarre video that includes some very amazing stop-motion effects as well as what I think is a form of claymation. The storyline has something to do with a man who is hurt by technology and wants to go back to mother nature (the way he does so is really odd). The video fits the music perfectly.

MP3 Knife

Modest Mouse – Dashboard

This video is on the lighter side of things and features Isaac Brock with a huge beard telling sea stories with a number of old bearded guys that make hilarious facial expressions. He ends up discovering Atlantis at the end but my favorite scene is when Brock is acting out his adventure with two mops.

MP3 Dashboard

Ben Kweller – Penny on a Train Track

This is by far the simplest video of the bunch. It’s of Ben Kweller’s grandma doing jazzercize to the song (which is one of my favorite singles of ’06). This brought me some mad lol’s, I’ll tell you what.

MP3 Penny on a Train Track

Dirty on Purpose – Car No Driver

This late addition to the list was suggested by Frank at Chromewaves, and I think I can safely say that it’s one of the best uses of time-lapse videography I’ve set my eyes on. The video starts out with a boy playing piano in the middle of an empty field and then goes on to show a bunch of red-jacketed construction workers building a giant trebuchet (medieval catapult) to launch the piano. Are they helped out by four dancing girls in red dresses? Of course they are!

Continue reading “Top 10 Music Videos of 2007 (so far)”