Best Music Videos of 2007

Here listed before you are hands-down the 22 best music videos of the year 2007. I’m not saying I watched every music video in 2007, but I’m just going to assume that all the other ones completely suck (for purposes of this list). I’m estimating it would take about an hour and a half to watch all these videos, but seriously, do you have anything better to do today? To make it easier though, I’ve embedded them all below. Also, except for the five at the end (which are the best) the order is completely random.

As you can tell by the list I like videos that use stop-motion, videos all done in one take, bright colors, interesting effects, Wes Anderson nods, changing t-shirts, ridiculously high drum cymbals, etc. As always, If you have any favorites videos from the year that you think I missed, make sure to leave it in the comments. I provided MP3s for some of the songs that you might not already have. The first three are embedded below but you will have to click through to see the whole list.

The Shins – Australia

Noah and the Whale – Five Years Time MP3

Patrick Wolf – The Magic Position

Click the link below to see the whole list including my top five!

Maximo Park – Our Velocity

Of Montreal – Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse

Bishop Allen – Click Click Click Click MP3

Asobi Seksu – Goodbye

Parts and Labor – The Gold We’re Digging MP3

Dirty on Purpose – Car No Driver

Mute Math – Typical

Beirut – Elephant Gun

Tim Williams – Novel MP3

Peter, Bjorn, and John – Objects of your Affection

Office – Oh My MP3

Feist – 1,2,3,4

Kanye West – Good Life

Spoon – The Underdog

…and the top 5 music videos of 2007 are:

Grizzly Bear – Knife

Jarvis Cocker – Don’t Let Him Waste Your Time

Justice – D.A.N.C.E.

Laura Veirs – Phantom Mountain MP3

Battles – Atlas

20 thoughts on “Best Music Videos of 2007

  1. Firstly, I adore your site.

    Secondly, what about Kate Nash’s Foundations? It has fantastic stop motion that’s well integrated into the theme of her video. Check it out.

    Thirdly, I completely agree with you about many if not all of these videos. Particularly the first three. Have a great day!

  2. Hi!
    These videos are great!
    I had never seen your site
    But now I’m going to take a look around, if you don’t mind 🙂
    You should check out Quiero Club, it’s a band from Mexico.
    Maybe youll like their video “Let da Music”
    it’s obviously not as awesome as the videos you posted here
    but maybe you’ll like it…

  3. seen Lykke Li’s “Little Bit”. the song is really great but not for non-fans of swedish techno. but even besides that, the video is probably among the most amazing videos ive seen ever.

    really hard to explain why its good. but everything combined makes it awesome. and Kleerup cameos

  4. Oh my God, bro. I’m totally alt. My perfect Saturday: get some organic coffee at a locally run coffee shop, stroll down the street to the local second hand music shop and check out some vintage Kraftwork vinyl albums at the local music exchange shop (always looking for one where the spine is clearly readable so that a visitor to my studio can easily read the name/album and note that I am indeed cultured), and then close out the dying daylight hours in a small, cramped used book store. If all goes right, I’ll find a poetry tome where Howl is dog-eared and the pages are yellowed. It will add to the cultured look should anyone desire to peruse my well-stocked bookcase. On the way home, I’ll find a scarf that will complement my too small black jeans. Later that evening, as I sip a craft brew (or perhaps a nice hot mug of organically grown fair-trade herbal tea), I will be able to look at everybody else with a well deserved sense of self-righteousness. Yes my friend, the air smells delightful up here…

    Pull your head out of your ass. You say that you like “videos that use stop-motion, videos all done in one take, bright colors, interesting effects, Wes Anderson nods, changing t-shirts, ridiculously high drum cymbals”? Jesus. Get over yourself. In 10 years you will be the same d-bag that expresses sincere preferences in the compexity of tannins in a Pinot Noir. You are not so cultured. You have mastered the subtle complexities of html (or maybe not), but no matter how many film classes you took at Penn State or whatever shithole you went to, it sounds ridiculous to pontificate like this. Frankly, it would even be idiotic if some of the great directors did this (you know…the ones that have jobs).

    Now please, bro: can I get a refill on my coffee??

  5. coffee man…
    you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. how about you go drink some coffee in some bookstore and stop worrying about people who you think aren’t as “cultured” and “self-righteous” as you are. this is a blog where whoever runs it can express their own opinions. if you want to express yours like that, then make your own blog where you can tell everyone about how cultured you are because you drink coffee, pick out vintage record, and go to bookstores.

  6. coffee, man? – Called in sick the day God passed out sense’s of humor; sadly present the day he came up with the asshole.

  7. Sean,

    What? I will not deny that I’m an asshole, but how are you arriving at the conclusion that I’m lacking a sense of humor? If anything, my rant (and I admit that it was that) was clearly sarcastic. Although this was lost on Christine (who may be a bit slow), it does not represent a lack of a sense of humor.

    Rolling Stone and every other publication that puts together a “top ” 25 or 100 list does so because the controversy about the accuracy/judgment of the list generates sales. The author of this blog (who apparently enjoys censoring posts) is playing the same game, albeit for traffic instead of sales. Look at how many lists of various crap are posted on the site. Thing is: these list areeven more subjective/asinine than anything that makes the paper press. My point was simply that this list of “bests” is ridiculous. The choices reek of a college student trying desperately to appeal to the artsy crowd; it is more concerned about whether the artist is arcane than whether there is anything of lasting value in the video. I’m glad there are people out there looking underneath every rock to find groups with merit, but that doesn’t exempt them from criticism or, in this instance, ridicule. These groups and videos suck. They really do. I watched them all. And the pretension that prefaced this crap makes it doubly ridiculous.

  8. coffee man, i realize your rant was sarcastic and although quite humorous i think you’re way off base. like i’ve said before the above paragraph was completely tounge-in-cheek as this is obviously a subjective list and but I in no way tried to find the most obscure and arcane artists. if you’ve actually read my site even a few times you’ll know I’ve reviewed nearly every one of the artists on my site before (some many times). you might think it’s crap, and that’s you’re opinion, but it’s ridiculous to think i tried to pick out artists that aren’t as well known. Just look at the list!

    The Feist video is on a frickin’ iPod commercial and it’s the #1 songs sold on Amazon. The Shins album debuted #2 on billboard. Spoon debuted #10 and they played The Underdog on nearly every late night show (including SNL). I have a Kanye West video up there! Justice, Battles, Of Montreal, Patrick Wolf, Beirut, Peter, Bjorn, and John all have a very large following and are extremely well-respected in the music scene (check metacritic or myspace them if you don’t believe me). any well-informed music listener would have heard of most or all of those bands. do some research before making ridiculous claims next time dude.

  9. I’m not sure what exactly makes him come off as pretentious or as trying to appeal to the artsy crowd. The author of this blog sounds like a guy (sure, maybe college-aged) who likes to listen to and write about music for fun. As a regular reader I may be biased, but I still think your harsh words are a little undeserved.

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